Jun Lab: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
CE Research Topics

Jun Lab: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

Research Focus 1: Harmful algal blooms (HABs), which can produce cyanobacterial toxins, degrade water quality, threaten public health, harm ecosytems, and impact the economic output of industries such as fisheries and tourism. One major contribution to HABs is nutrient pollution from anthropogenic activities. To address nutrient pollution, we are developing novel mineral-hydrogel composites to effectively […]

Wang Lab: Climate Events and Human Health
CE Research Topics

Wang Lab: Climate Events and Human Health

Research Focus: One of the research directions in my lab is about climate events and human health.

Skills, Techniques, and Methods: We want passionate students who have basic skills in searching for and summarizing literature. The students should have good communication skills. It will be a plus if the students have analytical skills, but it is not a request. The students can learn analytical skills during this summer’s research work.

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